Monday, June 30, 2008

Sigur Rós - Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust

As the album cover suggests, Sigur Rós have discarded everything to run amok. And running wild means they've escaped the confines of their usual Icelandic recording studio for New York, London and Havana, Cuba, and they've stepped away from the somber, transcendental epics of previous albums for songs that are direct and vibrant. "Gobbledigook" kick starts the album (translated as With a Buzz in Our Ears We Play Endlessly) with flailing tribal drums and its invented frivolous lyrics at happy play. "Inní Mér Syngur Vitleysingur" is Sigur Rós buoyant celebration minus their typical four minute build up. But for fans of their monumental bravado, look no further than nine minute "Ára Bátur". With voice and piano opening the track, it slowly builds to glacial heights with the help of the 90 members within London Sinfonietta and London Oratory Boy's Choir. As arresting as it is inspiring, Sigur Rós continues to astound. Now if someone can only get them out of the offices more often.

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